Friday 24 February 2012


Here a picture of the class playing Boccia. In this game the class is divided into teams, who sit on benches facing each other. The object is to get your ball as close to the white ball as possible. You can knock opponents' balls away or even move the white ball. It is great fun and calls for co-operation and accurate throwing.

Monday 20 February 2012


For Friday 7th September
Reading -  4 nights
Spelling - Write out twice and learn
Maths - Red and Purple - Sheet 2 (answer in homework jotter)
            - Blue - Sums  (answer in homework jotter)
(a) 467 subtract 119 (b) 634 subtract 289 (c)  786 subtract 234 
Layout and presentation - Use a heading for each section and lay out sensibly
Progress jotter - Complete sheet

French - learn vocabulary on numbers

Friday 17 February 2012


In PE we are doing gymnastics with Mrs Cromarty. Here are 3 photographs.