Monday 30 January 2012

Drama on the Human Body

To check that we had understood all the stages in the breathing and circulatory system,s we were asked in groups to express these stages using mime and sound. Here are three of the stages - the windpipe, blood flow in the veins and breathing out carbon dioxide from the mouth.

Strength Of Bones

We have been studying the skeleton and carried out an experiment where we used straws and weights to discover which type of bone is strongest. We found out that short, thin bones are strongest.

How Much Oxygen is in Air?

As part of our Human Body topic and, in particular, our unit on breathing, we did an experiment where a jar was put over a lit candle. After a few seconds the candle went out as it had used up all the oxygen. It had sucked up water from the dish to replace the oxygen. The jar was one fifth full of water which shows the 20% of the air is oxygen.

Indoor Golf

For PE with Mr Bichan we have been playing indoor golf. There are are a number of games. Here are two of them, involving putting and chipping. We have been encouraged to look at the ball and to follow through in our strokes.