Tuesday 12 June 2012

Tour Guiding

P6/5 are tour guiding for other schools at the Earl's and Bishop's Palaces. We do this in role as characters who lived in the past. The first picture shows Group one who show pupils around the Bishop's Palace. The next 3 pictures show Groups 2 & 3 in the Earl's Palace. The last shows all of us.

Hoy Trip

In May P6/5 went to Hoy for 3 days. Here are some of the activities we took part in. The first picture is archery while the second shows us building a shelter on the beach. The last 4 show our trip to the Old Man of Hoy. We worked well as a team to help pull Martyna over the hill. Everyone should feel very proud of this.

Friday 18 May 2012

Buddhist pictures

In our study of Buddhism we looked at Mandalas and created our own. As you can see we coloured these incredibly neatly with appropriate colours. Buddhist monks use these to help them meditate.

Kirkwall sunsets

As part of our Kirkwall topic we created sunset pictures over Kirkwall. The pictures show the Cathedral, The Bishop's Palace, The Power Station and houses with crowsteps. all reflected in the Peedie Sea.  We first did the sunset colours in crayo. Thne we covered this with black paint mixed with detergent. After it was dry, we drew our picture and scratched off the paint to leave a silhouette.

Monday 12 March 2012


In 3 groups we decided to  make from K'Nex an item that could be found  in a play park or fun fair. All the items had to look attractive, be strong and be able to move. The 3 videos show the finished objects and the teams.We made a death slide, a ferris wheel and swings.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Model Bridges

As part of our Inventions topic we looked at images of the Forth Road Bridge in Scotland and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Franciso. We observed that rigid structures use triangles in their designs. Using the K'Nex kits we made three bridges in groups. The bridges had to be at least a metre in length and strong enough to support a toy car. Here are our finished products;

Monday 5 March 2012

Respect and Respected

Parents will have had by now a letter which tells them what is happening in these class sessions. The themes for the Friday afternoon sessions are;
  1. Bullying behaviour and friendship qualities
  2. Name calling
  3. Put downs and put ups
  4. Staying safe and strategies to cope
  5. No such thing as an innocent bystander
Hopefully we shall all be able to present an assembly to the rest of the school early next term.

Parents are asked to comment in this blog AND/OR in the weekly progress jotter.

The pictures show us at work on the first of these lessons, where we had to create a poster from the School Anti-bullying Policy.

Friday 24 February 2012


Here a picture of the class playing Boccia. In this game the class is divided into teams, who sit on benches facing each other. The object is to get your ball as close to the white ball as possible. You can knock opponents' balls away or even move the white ball. It is great fun and calls for co-operation and accurate throwing.

Monday 20 February 2012


For Friday 7th September
Reading -  4 nights
Spelling - Write out twice and learn
Maths - Red and Purple - Sheet 2 (answer in homework jotter)
            - Blue - Sums  (answer in homework jotter)
(a) 467 subtract 119 (b) 634 subtract 289 (c)  786 subtract 234 
Layout and presentation - Use a heading for each section and lay out sensibly
Progress jotter - Complete sheet

French - learn vocabulary on numbers

Friday 17 February 2012


In PE we are doing gymnastics with Mrs Cromarty. Here are 3 photographs.

Monday 30 January 2012

Drama on the Human Body

To check that we had understood all the stages in the breathing and circulatory system,s we were asked in groups to express these stages using mime and sound. Here are three of the stages - the windpipe, blood flow in the veins and breathing out carbon dioxide from the mouth.

Strength Of Bones

We have been studying the skeleton and carried out an experiment where we used straws and weights to discover which type of bone is strongest. We found out that short, thin bones are strongest.

How Much Oxygen is in Air?

As part of our Human Body topic and, in particular, our unit on breathing, we did an experiment where a jar was put over a lit candle. After a few seconds the candle went out as it had used up all the oxygen. It had sucked up water from the dish to replace the oxygen. The jar was one fifth full of water which shows the 20% of the air is oxygen.

Indoor Golf

For PE with Mr Bichan we have been playing indoor golf. There are are a number of games. Here are two of them, involving putting and chipping. We have been encouraged to look at the ball and to follow through in our strokes.