Monday 28 November 2011

How to wash your hands!

At assembly today we showed everyone how to wash their hands.


CATCH IT! (sneeze into a tissue)

BIN IT! (put the tissue in the bin)


KILL IT! (wash your hands)

Friday 18 November 2011

Folk Singers

On Thursday 17th November 3 folk musicians came to Glaitness. They sang songs and played the piano, guitar and fiddle. We did an action song and we learned another, which we sang in a round. One of the musicians, Jeana Leslie, told us she had gone to Glaitness School when she was young.

Tag Rugby

Here we are receiving instuctions from our two rugby coaches, Bruce and Liam. We have been practising many skills such as running in a line, passing, catching and listening to instuctions.

Rock Strata

We have discovered in our Mountains topic that much of the Earth's crust is composed of different layers of rock. Here we are creating a piece of art work showing various strata. We are using bright colours and contrasting textures.

Friday 4 November 2011

Fold Mountains

Our class is doing a study of mountains. Here we are showing how fold mountains like the Rockies, the Andes, or the Himalayas are formed. Areas of the Earth's crust called plates float about on the molten magma at the core of the World. When two plates collide, there are fold mountains formed. We are demonstrating this with a stiff sheet.